SuperCar Concierge Los Angeles (SCCLA) is a high-net-worth car enthusiast’s mobile luxury automobile company that specializes in vehicle asset management.

Nelson Nunes is an entrepreneur and automotive aficionado who founded SCCLA. Nelson has a university degree in international business and marketing. Before graduating - he founded his first firm, Sovereign Sky Inc - a fashion manufacturing company that still works with multi-million dollar corporations today. SCCLA was founded as a result of this experience, to provide a service for those like him who are busy operating a business and don’t have time to care for every automobile in their collection.

SCCLA relieves the stress and hassle of managing your high-end car collection. We’ll leave you with only the thrill and pleasure of driving your vehicles - just like the day you welcomed them home.


Let’s talk.

Owning a fleet of cars is a dream for any automobile enthusiast, but maintaining those vehicles is a full-time job. We can take care of your car no matter what service you may need.

Let SCC be your one-stop destination for all your vehicle asset management needs. You’ll get back to enjoying your vehicles as they were meant to be - on the road.

nelson@scclosangeles.com / @SCCLosAngeles
(626) 327-5120

Los Angeles, California